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Benyue with Ebony October 26, 2023

Posted by Kenny Norman in north.
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In early September, right after Labor Day Weekend, I tried Benyue restaurant in Castleton with Ebony. It was one of the restaurants on our bucket list, and given how Castleton doesn’t have quite the dining options for me that it used to, I was even more curious to try it. This was a Dim Sum restaurant, and I was unfamiliar with the concept. Basically, they had moderately priced entrees from $10-$15, with $6 side dishes people could add on. I added on four and Ebony added on three. Therefore, the bill was a bit higher than I would normally go, but it was nice to try some things like pork buns, egg rolls, and two others, one of which I can’t recall. (But I DO recall it wasn’t worth getting again.) One side that stood out was the golden cream buns. They tasted amazing, with golden filling that made them taste like a cake. Ebony and I actually agreed on how amazing they tasted, and we rarely agree. The place was surprisingly not too packed on a Friday night, but at least that meant we got immediate seating. Given the wide range of options available, Ebony and I agreed we would return at some point.


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